Parent Communications & Partnerships

At Park Nursery, We work closely with our children’s families to develop a great understanding of each child and their needs. We follow the children’s routines in nursery as much as we can, to ensure consistency across their week. This includes children’s nap routines, bottle/ feeding routines, and toilet training (especially for our younger children). 
Each child will have an allocated key worker. Developing close bonds with key children helps to settle the children when starting nursery and gives them a source of comfort throughout their day. This can also be your first point of call if you have any questions or queries.Although your child will have a key person allocated to them, they will also develop great bonds with multiple adults in and around the nursery, so we are all approachable for anything you need.

Our Parent Communication App

To communicate with parents, we use an app called Blossom. There are many effective features to Blossom, please see some of these below.

  • Instant Message functionality,
  • Diary function (tracking food consumed, nappies, sleep, and drinks for our younger children)
  • Daily summary for each nursery room
  • Observations (from both practitioners and parents)
  • Parents are asked to add home observations, for staff to be able to draw upon their home experiences within the setting.
  • Parents can request extra sessions, record absences, and book in holidays.

Of course, we are also available via telephone in emergencies, and you are always welcome to speak to our staff at drop-offs and pickups.


Parent Consultations & Meetings

Each term, the nursery also holds a parent’s evening to discuss the children’s development by appointment.

This will be with your child's key worker, and scheduled at a time that suits you.