Sports Day at Park

The sun shone brightly on Park School's fantastic Sports Day recently as children took part in a series of events and races on the sports pitch at Dean Park.

The day began with the girls and boys in Reception taking part in a carousel of activities and races, with their Year 6 buddies on hand to help and cheer them on!  Families were welcomed to the sports pitch too to watch their children take part, helping to create the warm and friendly atmosphere that Park School is well known for!

Later on, children in year groups 1 to 6 enjoyed their Sports Day when all four of Park's houses, Griffin, Dragon, Phoenix and Unicorn went head-to-head in all areas of sport including balance, speed, concentration and even some quick changes which all the children took in their stride. 

The day's events culminated in a final relay race where children in each year group competed against each other to take home the winners' cup.  Victory was finally awarded to Dragon house, who were Park School's Sports Day 2024 winners!

Well done to all the children involved and a special thanks to Miss Stocker and Mr. Parnum for organising such a brilliant day.